Saturday, October 22, 2011


In my last post, three whole months ago, I talked about how hard distractions can be on a project.

I don't really think it's necessary to point out how true that is in my own situation, hmm?


The last three months have been really hard. Just as I was starting to save a reasonable amount of money for an apartment, my car gave up. So I've been hitching rides to work and feeling rather put-out.

My job is not as great as I optimistically believed. In fact, I make approximately $6,000/yr. and can't progress in the company because I'm female. But I'm still working 35-40 hours a week, so I don't have a lot of time on my hands.

Despite all this, there is a beacon of hope for my writing. NaNoWriMo starts in just over a week. This will be my seventh year participating and every year, without fail, it manages to give me a level of discipline I'm not able to recreate on my own. I was worried, initially, because I had absolutely no idea what I was going to write about, but after a bit of consideration, and one abandoned idea, I've decided. Since life has been so rough lately, and all I've really thought about is buying a one-way bus ticket outta here, that's what I'm going to write about, a la On The Road. It's a bit different than anything I've done in the past, so we'll see whether or not it was a good decision.

For any writers out there struggling with the discipline of writing every day, I earnestly suggest NaNoWriMo. You'd be amazed how much the community of it all helps.

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